Monday 6 January 2020

REVIEW: Collison (#3) - Victor Dixen

Title: Collison (#3)
Author: Victor Dixen
Series: Phobos
Publisher: Hot Key Books
Format: Paperback
Pages: 723 Pages
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Goodreads Blurb

The Genesis Programme reality TV show has brought twelve young astronauts to Mars, to face unprecedented hostility. An even greater danger is now threatening Earth, but the viewers are too glued to their screens and the rescue mission to see what is really happening.

Leonor is ready to risk everything to bring out the truth and warn the world. She can never admit defeat - but can she fight her last fight alone?


I have loved the series and thought that the books have just grown in strength through the last two books, with this monster of a book (723 pages, it's a scary thought), I was expecting great things.

I was sorely disappointed with the book, I did like it, but it was just such a letdown, I don't know if I expected too much of the book, but I just wanted something different than the book was giving me.

Leonor just changed completely as a character, yes I know Marcus lied but the way she treated him was as if he'd murdered someone. I agree that lying about the mission yes was bad but to actually put him on trial for it with the sentence possibly being death was just a bit too much.

I was not a fan of the characters in this book, they really changed, I will admit the secret agent that Serena had brainwashed was a surprise as I was expecting something.

Overall, not my favourite of the series and I just wanted to rewrite so much of it.

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