Wednesday 10 January 2018

REVIEW: House of Furies (#1) - Madeleine Roux

House of Furies (#1) - Madeleine Roux
Series: House of Furies
Publisher: HarperTeen
Format: Paperback
Pages: 404 Pages
Rating: ★★★★

Goodreads Blurb

After escaping a harsh school where punishment was the lesson of the day, seventeen-year-old Louisa Ditton is thrilled to find employment as a maid at a boarding house. But soon after her arrival at Coldthistle House, Louisa begins to realize that the house’s mysterious owner, Mr. Morningside, is providing much more than lodging for his guests. Far from a place of rest, the house is a place of judgment, and Mr. Morningside and his unusual staff are meant to execute their own justice on those who are past being saved.

Louisa begins to fear for a young man named Lee who is not like the other guests. He is charismatic and kind, and Louisa knows that it may be up to her to save him from an untimely judgment. But in this house of distortions and lies, how can Louisa be sure whom to trust?


When I started this book I did find it slow-going, and ended up putting it down for a couple of days, but when I picked it back I just ended up breezing through it. Be warned this is a book which you do have to persevere with.

I loved the illustrations in the book and thought they matched the story perfectly, and added that little extra bit to the book.

I found Louisa to be a great character, she's been forced by life into working at Coldthistle House, and for Mr. Morningside, and you really don't expect what happens to her throughout the book. I also have to give it to Louisa as she really takes it all in her stride.

I loved the relationship between Louisa and Lee, and when you realise what is going to happen to Lee because he has come to Coldthistle House, you really root for Louisa.

Overall a great book, a bit slow at the beginning but really does start to pull you in, and yes I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

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